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Have you already written your assignment and just need an extra pair of eyes to check it over and improve on it?

Yes? Then our editing services are for you.

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Academic Editing Services

Sometimes, when you are particularly passionate about what you are writing, you can find that your brain moves faster than your hands. And you end up with a piece full of fantastic ideas, but it’s all a bit of a jumbled mess.

Editing your own work isn’t always easy. Knowing which words to cut, which words to add and which sentences to move is a skill in itself and a good edit can make the difference between a mediocre essay and a fantastic one.

Edit My Academic Papers For Me

There are three levels when it comes to editing, all of which are trained writers are competent in.

Structural/Developmental Editing

This is the big picture edit and will focus on:

  • The flow of the piece fv
  • The language used (cutting words where necessary or changing them for better words)
  • The overall smoothness and readability
  • Areas that are unclear and need further explanation

Copy/Line Editing

This type of edit focuses on each line of the text individually and will focus on:

  • The readability of individual sentences
  • Improving individual sentence structure


The final stage of the editing process, this will focus on individual words:

  • Spelling and typos
  • Grammar
  • Word choice
  • Punctuation

We also offer proofreading as a separate service if you already have a structural editor and a line editor.

This service is ideal for anyone who wants their work to really read as professional. It’s aimed at students of any level, and is also ideal for any creative writers who would like a professional edit of their manuscripts before they are published.

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