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The Biden Plan For Protecting The Nation's Values As Immigrants
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The Biden Plan For Protecting The Nation's Values As Immigrants

As a nation, the US has displayed real hostility towards immigrants. In recent years under the Trump administration, this has been worse than ever before. That's why the Biden administration is looking to improve things for immigrants into the country after their election. Here's what their plan is to improve our immigration system.

Alexa, Say What?! Voice-Enabled Speaker Usage to Grow Nearly 130%
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Alexa, Say What?! Voice-Enabled Speaker Usage to Grow Nearly 130%

While still in the early stages of adoption, virtual assistants are increasingly becoming a part of everyday life for Americans. According to eMarketer’s first forecast on digital assistant and voice-enabled speaker usage, 35.6 million Americans will use a voice-activated assistant device at least once a month in 2017 – a staggering 128.9% increase from the previous year.

How To Write An Informative Essay
Essay writing guides

How To Write An Informative Essay

Have you been asked to write an informative essay? If that’s a task you haven’t taken on before, it can feel daunting. Here’s how you can write an informative essay that’s well-structured and answers the assignment brief.

by Author avatar Mary Watson
Bicycle Safety
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Bicycle Safety

According to the US Department of Transportation estimate, bicycle trips represent just 1% of all trips in the US.

Human Rights in Turkey 2020
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Human Rights in Turkey 2020

The judiciary failed to uphold fair trial guarantees and due process, continuing to misuse broadly defined anti-terrorism laws to penalize actions protected under international human rights law. Members of the judiciary and legal profession faced sanctions for legitimately performing their duties.

Research insights


Asthma is a chronic lung condition that affects the airways, making breathing difficult. It leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and persistent coughing, particularly at night or early in the morning. While it is common in children, adults can also develop this respiratory disease. Managing asthma involves taking prescribed medications and avoiding triggers that can cause flare-ups.

Winter Fitness: Safety Tips For Exercising Outdoor
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Winter Fitness: Safety Tips For Exercising Outdoor

Wearing layers, keeping your hands and feet warm, and checking the weather forecast can help you stay comfortable and safe while exercising outside in cold weather. Cold temperatures can make even the most dedicated exercisers lose motivation. When that happens, it’s tempting to put your workout routine on hold until spring. However, you don’t have to let winter stop you from staying active. Use these tips to stay fit, warm, and motivated during cold-weather workouts.

How To Make An Essay Longer
Essay writing guides

How To Make An Essay Longer

There’s nothing worse than staring down an essay with a large word count. It feels like you’ll never be able to reach it, and get the passing grade you need. The good news is, there are several ways in which you can ensure you hit your word count without waffling or adding unnecessary details.

by Author avatar Mary Watson
How To Write An Effective Essay
Essay writing guides

How To Write An Effective Essay

If you want to get the best grades on your essay, it needs to be effective in what you’re trying to get across. Are you not sure how to be effective in your essay writing? Here’s what you need to know.

by Author avatar Mary Watson
Thyroid Health: Key Facts and Research
Research insights

Thyroid Health: Key Facts and Research

The thyroid is a small, hormone-producing gland in the lower neck that plays a critical role in regulating the body’s metabolism – the rate at which energy is produced from nutrients and oxygen. It also influences vital functions, including energy levels and heart rate. The thyroid impacts every cell, tissue, and organ despite its size.