Order Essay
We understand what students expect when they want to order an essay written by a professional writer.
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Meet our writers
When you choose to order essay papers through Academized.com, you gain access to a team of highly skilled and experienced writers. Our experts are committed to delivering original, high-quality work tailored to meet your specific requirements. Explore our writers’ credentials and see why thousands of students trust us to handle their academic challenges.

What our customers say😍
We take pride in the positive impact we've had on students' academic journeys. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from satisfied students who have benefited from our essay writing services. Here are some genuine testimonials from our student community.
Our free features
When you order an essay from us, you get access to a range of complimentary features designed to give you the very best experience. Every order includes free formatting in your preferred style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or another standard. We also provide a free title page, bibliography, unlimited revision service, and a plagiarism report at no extra cost, guaranteeing your satisfaction.
Academized offers additional extra services that will improve the final result of your work. Please check them out at our order form.All these features are included for free
Get startedFrequently asked questions
How do I place an order for essay writing at Academized?
Just fill out our simple essay order form, giving us your essay topic, deadline and instructions, and choosing additional services like VIP support, urgent writer assign, 1-page summary or plagiarism report if you like. Once you pay securely, we’ll match you with one of our skilled academic writers and you can message them directly in the client area. You’re in control of your assignment every step of the way.
What details are required to order an essay online?
To purchase an essay online with Academized, you need to tell us:
- The type of paper you want
- Your academic level
- Your subject
- How many pages you need
- Your deadline
Extra information, like your professor’s requirements, specific formatting styles, and sources, will help us to meet your expectations as closely as possible, so we always suggest that you add this to your order when you can.
What payment methods does Academized accept?
We accept all major payment methods, including credit/debit cards, ApplePay and GooglePay, so the process to order a perfect essay with Academized is fast, secure and convenient. Our certified and encrypted payment system keeps your identity and information confidential, so students can get quality writing from us without worrying about privacy.
Is my personal data and order information kept confidential?
Yes, we always keep your personal data, order details and identity completely confidential. We use advanced encryption technology to safeguard your information and none of your personal details will be shared with any third parties. Our dedication to security is one of the reasons why our reliable website has been trusted by so many students as a trusted place to order essays online.
Can you format my essay in specific referencing styles like APA or MLA?
Absolutely! With all of their years of academic writing expertise across multiple disciplines, our expert team are well-versed in all academic formatting styles. APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago and OSCOLA are no challenge for them, as well as lesser-known styles. Let us know which formatting style you need to use, so we can format your custom essay perfectly for you.
Will I be notified about progress updates on my paper?
Yes, we’ll always keep you updated on how your ordered essay is progressing. We send you notifications when your paper reaches key milestones, like when your writer starts work, when drafts are available, and when the final essay is complete.
You can always track your order’s status in the client area of our website, and you’re free to send your writer a message at any time to check in. Even – or especially – if your academic paper has a tight deadline, your writer will always be right there to make any necessary adjustments to your paper.
Privacy protection
We ensure the safety of your transactions and personal information. Payments are processed through highly secure, reputable global payment systems. We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal details, which are never shared with external parties, including the writers handling your projects. Additionally, our website's interaction is safeguarded using robust 256-bit SSL encryption, providing you with a secure browsing experience.

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