Research insights

The Health at Every Size (HAES) Approach

The widespread “war on obesity” has had harmful consequences for people of all body sizes – physically, emotionally, and socially. It has contributed to the denial of healthcare coverage, exclusion from routine health screenings, and increased stigmatization. Relying on body weight or size as a health measure is misleading and ineffective, often leading to interventions prioritizing weight loss over genuine well-being.

Health at Every Size (HAES) offers a progressive, weight-inclusive alternative to traditional, weight-centered healthcare. It is both a clinical approach and a broader movement advocating for size acceptance, the end of weight-based discrimination, and a shift from a cultural fixation on thinness. HAES promotes balanced eating, joyful and accessible movement, and respect for body diversity.

HAES Principles

The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) defines health as a dynamic and individualized experience – not merely the absence of illness or disease. Health exists on a continuum, influenced by time, circumstances, and resource access. It should be recognized as a capacity available to all, regardless of medical conditions or ability levels, rather than an obligation or moral requirement. No one’s health status should be used to judge, oppress, or determine their worth.

The HAES framework emerged from discussions among healthcare professionals, consumers, and activists who reject weight, size, and BMI as proxies for health. It challenges the myth that weight is simply a choice and instead promotes policies and practices that support well-being on both individual and systemic levels. By advocating for equitable access to healthcare, social connection, and sustainable habits, HAES aligns with a social justice perspective – evolving to meet the needs of diverse communities and prioritizing health for all.

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