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Cleaning Supplies and Your Health
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Cleaning Supplies and Your Health

From over 2,000 cleaning products available in the U.S. market, many contain substances associated with significant health risks. Despite these risks, product labels often fail to provide sufficient details about ingredients, making it difficult for consumers to choose safer options.

Birth Defects
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Birth Defects

Congenital disabilities can impact a child’s development and overall well-being. Cleft lip, palate, and microcephaly are some of the most widely studied congenital conditions due to their effects on appearance, speech, and brain development. Understanding their causes, risk factors, and treatment options can help families seek appropriate medical care and support.

Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan for Black America
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Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan for Black America

The Biden Plan for Black America, released during the 2020 presidential campaign, sets forth an ambitious vision to address systemic inequalities and provide meaningful reforms to the issues that disproportionately affect African Americans. Joe Biden’s plan promises to tackle the many problems with long-standing roots in racial injustice, from economic disparities and educational inequities to criminal justice reform and healthcare access. Its comprehensive initiative aims to provide African Americans with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed while working to undo the harms of historical discrimination.

The Thalidomide Tragedy: Lessons for Drug Safety and Regulation
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The Thalidomide Tragedy: Lessons for Drug Safety and Regulation

During the 1960s, many children, including young kindergartners, were born with phocomelia, a condition that caused shortened or missing limbs. This was a direct result of the drug thalidomide.

How To Clean and Disinfect Schools To Help Slow the Spread of Flu
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How To Clean and Disinfect Schools To Help Slow the Spread of Flu

Keeping schools clean and disinfected is an important part of reducing the spread of infectious diseases. One of the most effective ways to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated. Additional protective measures include staying home when sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and frequent handwashing. Below are key cleaning and disinfecting practices that help slow the spread of the flu.

Social Support: Tap This Tool to Beat Stress
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Social Support: Tap This Tool to Beat Stress

Strong relationships with family and friends profoundly benefit your health and well-being. A robust social support network can help you navigate stressful situations, whether a tough day at work or a year marked by loss or illness. Conversely, the lack of social support can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Since these relationships are so essential, it’s never too early to nurture and strengthen them.

How to Cite an Article in an Essay
Essay writing guides

How to Cite an Article in an Essay

If you’re writing any kind of essay, then you’ll need to cite any sources you reference within it. That includes articles, which are often good evidence sources. Not sure how to cite them in your work? Read on to find out more.

by Author avatar Mary Watson
Local Law 97
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Local Law 97

Buildings are responsible for nearly two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City, making them a central focus of the city’s efforts to combat climate change. To address this, Mayor de Blasio has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, with Local Law 97 as a cornerstone of this ambitious initiative.

Free of Heavy Metals, New Battery Design Could Alleviate Environmental Concerns
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Free of Heavy Metals, New Battery Design Could Alleviate Environmental Concerns

IBM Research continues to push the boundaries of materials science, unveiling a groundbreaking battery innovation that could significantly reduce reliance on heavy metals in battery production. This breakthrough could enhance the long-term sustainability of key components in our energy infrastructure.

100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time
Research insights

100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time

Guitarists have been the cornerstone of musical innovation, crafting sounds that have defined genres and inspired generations. From the pioneers of blues to the maestros of rock and beyond, their influence resonates through every chord and riff. Here is a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time, celebrating their contributions to the music world.