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Workplace Stress Statistics You Should Know About

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Stress Statistics

Nearly everybody can relate to dealing with stress in the workplace. More and more people are now coping with stress related conditions such as depression and anxiety, and we are seeing workplace stress contributes a lot to these conditions. These are 33 workplace stress statistics will serve to show you just how stress is affecting those in work, and what can be done about it.

1. Women Are Suffering With Workplace Stress More Than Men

In the APA Stress in America 2016 survey, women on average would rate their stress levels as 5.1, while men would rate it at 4.4 on average. Overall, we are seeing women having to cope with workplace stress more regularly than men in the same positions.

2. The Youngest Workers Are Being Diagnosed With Mental Health Conditions More Often

Current statistics, those in Generation Z are being diagnosed more often with mental health issues. Currently 52% of them have been diagnosed with one or more  conditions, as opposed to only 41% of those in the baby boomer generation. This is notable as they are the youngest generation who are currently working, and have only just been introduced to the state of the workplace in the modern age.

3. 63% Of US Workers Are Considering Quitting Due To Stress

When stress gets too much in the workplace, workers are willing to quit their jobs in order to improve their mental health. In a study conducted by Dynamic Signal, a huge proportion of the questioned workers were ready to quit their jobs due to the stress that they had been put under.

4. 80% Of US Workers Are Stressed Because Of Inadequate Communication

In a 2019 study, a huge 80% of workers questioned so they were stressed out because of bad communication within their companies. This is a significant rise, having increased by 30% from just the previous year.

5. 39% Of Workers Say Their Workloads Are The Cause Of Their Stress

In a 2017 survey, 39% of respondents said it was their heavy workload that was the main cause of their workplace stress. Coming second were interpersonal issues within the workplace, with 31% of respondents blaming this for their stress.

6. Workplace Stress Affects The Home Life Of 54% Of Workers

Ideally every worker would be able to separate their work life and home life cleanly, but is not always possible to do so. In fact, in a survey published by Wrike, 54% of workers say their home life is affected by workplace stress. This shows that even though the stress is being caused by work, it will have long reaching effects on those who experience it.

7. 35% Of Workers Say Their Boss Is The Cause Of Their Stress

Having strong and effective leadership in the workplace is always crucial. One of the reasons for this is because it actually will impact the mental health of employees if there is poor leadership. 35% workers say that their boss is the source of stress, as well as changes in leadership as a whole.

8. 57% Of Workers Say That Workplace Stress Stops Them From Being Productive

In an Everyday Health study, 53% of respondents said that workplace stress helps them perform better at their jobs. They are in the minority though, because 57% of workers said that when they experience workplace stress, it actually paralyses them and stops them from being as productive as they can be.

9. Over A Third Of People Say Their Job Is A Regular Cause Of Stress

In the same study, over 30% of those questioned said that their job was a regular cause of stress for them. What is interesting to note that among the Millennial and Gen Z populations, this actually increased to 44%. This is evidence that workplace stress is climbing for those in the younger generations, making the workplace more stressful than it was for their parents and grandparents.

10. 75% Of People Say They Are More Stressed Than Previous Generations

Related to the above statistic, younger generations are very much dealing with more stress than ever before. 75% of workers who were questioned by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) say that they are more stressed than those in earlier generations when it comes to work.

11. 43% Of Workers Feel Their Employees Care About Their Work Life Balance

Having a good work life balance is crucial when it comes to reducing stress in the workplace. However, in a 20-11 study, only 43% of US employees felt that their employers actually cared about their work-life balance. This serves to show just how bad the work life balance is in the US, when compared to other countries across the globe.

12. Workplace Stress Causes Sleep Deprivation For 66% Of Workers

Stress will affect people in many different ways, including sleep deprivation. A huge 66% of workers questioned in a 2018 study in the US said that they were having trouble sleeping, thanks to the stress they experienced at work. This will have a knock on effect on workers health, and is hugely concerning for those who were in the US.

13. Workplace Stress Has Affected The Personal Relationships Of 76% of US Workers

Another way stress will affect workers is in their personal relationships. In the same study as the statistic above, 76% of respondents said that their workplace stress was affecting their personal relationships in a negative way.

14. Lack Of Clear Expectations Causes Stress For 31% Of Workers

There are lots of ways that work can cause stress, and that includes a lack of clear communication from those in leadership roles. 31% of surveyed workers said that this was the most stressful thing about experiencing any kind of change at work.

15. One Bad Leader Would Cause 60% Of Workers To Quit

In another statistic highlighting the importance of good leadership, 60% of workers in a survey said that they would leave their job, if they had to deal with just one bad boss.

16. 46% Of Workers Are Considering A Move3 To The Gig Economy

The gig economy is becoming bigger every year, allowing workers more freedom and flexibility in their work. With more and more workers experiencing workplace stress, they are considering making the move themselves to it. In fact, 46% of workers in a 2019 study say they are considering joining the gig economy right now.

17. A Quarter Of Workers Feel They Are About To Burn Out At Work

‘Burn out’ refers to the point of workplace stress where it stops a person from doing anything at all. As of 2019, over a quarter of workers feel as though they are about to burn out within the next year if they don’t see any changes at work.

18. 41% Of Workers Say They’re Less Productive When They’re Stressed

A good workplace ensures that everyone can work to their best standards, but when you’re stressed you can’t meet those standards. 41% of workers say that they are less productive when they are stressed, and that it’s affecting their work.

19. 51% Of Workers Admit To Being Mentally Checked Out

Thanks to stress, 51% of workers say that they are mentally checked out at work. This means that they are not as engaged or productive when they are on the clock.

20. Only 40% Of Workers Have Talked To Employers About Stress

With stress being so far reaching in the workplace, you would think that more employees have looked into talking with their employers to mitigate it. However, only 40% of workers have felt as though they were comfortable enough to ask their employers for help with the issue.

21. 34% Of Workers Don’t Feel Safe To Talk About Workplace Stress

In an ADAA study, there were several reasons why workers don’t want to talk about workplace stress;. 34% of workers say that they feel they’ll be seen as uninterested or unwilling to do their work. 31% feel they would be considered weak, and 22% are worried it’ll affect their promotion prospects.

22. Only 40% Of Stressed Workers Get The Help They Need

When workers have talked to their employers about the stress day experienced, only around 40% of them are actually offered any help. This typically takes the form of being referred to mental health professionals, or being offered stress management classes.

23. It Costs 75% Of A Worker’s Salary To Cover Lost Productivity Or Workers

With workplace stress having a huge impact on those affected, it also affects the workplace at large. Employers will spend around 75% of a workers salary in order to cover the lost productivity or workers that have been due to stress.

24. Work Related Stress Causes 120,000 Deaths A Year

Shocking statistics shows that 120,000 people die each year thanks to work related stress. It also incurs Healthcare costs of around $190 billion each year.

25. Workers Need More Time Off Work For Stress Than Physical Issues

In a 2016 study, those who have to take time off work thanks to work-related stress are seven times more likely to need more sick days than a worker who has physical health issues.

26. Over 20% Of Workers Lose 5 Hours Per Week Thinking About Stress

In a 2016 study, it found that over 20% of workers are losing five hours or more weekly in the office thinking about the stress they are experiencing. This contributes to the loss of productivity that happens when workers are under stress while in the office.

27. 80 % Of Workers Are Spending Up To 20 Hours A Week At Work On Personal Stress

Just as workplace stress bleeds into the rest of a workers’ life, their personal stress will also make its way into their work time. Around 80% of workers have spent up to 20 hours a month dealing with financial issues while at work.

28. Lost Productivity Due To Stress is Around $84 Billion

In 2013, the amount of lost productivity thanks to workplace stress and absenteeism was estimated at being over $84 billion in the US.

29. Every Day One Million Workers Miss Work Due To Stress

Every single day, the US loses around 1 million workers as they miss work thanks to the stress they are dealing with in the workplace. This contributes to the amount of lost productivity, and the stats we have seen above.

30. Men And Women Handle Work Related Stress Differently

When questioned, men and women reported different coping strategies for workplace stress. 46% of women hope with eating more, and 44% talk with friends and family. Men on the other hand, are likely to cope by using illicit drugs, who have 12% of men using them compared to only 2% of women.

31. Both Men And Women Cope By Using Caffeine, Cigarettes And More Exercise

There are certain coping strategies that both men and women do have in common. 31% of workers consume more caffeine, 27% smoke more, and 25% exercise more. These stats show that the coping strategies available to workers are certainly not the healthiest, and we’ll lead to more issues down the line for them.

32. Workplace Stress Has The Biggest Impact On Productivity And Workplace Relations

As you have seen above, workplace stress has a severe impact on work productivity. 56% of workers in a study identified productivity as the biggest issue, followed by 51% who found their relationships of co-workers were affected by stress.

33. One In Six Workers Have Quit Thanks To Stress

All of these stats have shown just how far reaching workplace stress is, and how much it affects those in the workplace. Currently, around every one in six workers in the USA have quit their job as a direct results of workplace stress.

These stats show just what a problem workplace stress is a, and how it affects those in the workplace right now. With this research, the hope is that stress can be lessened in workplaces, allowing workers to give it the all while on the clock.

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