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How Democracies Die

Table of Contents

How Democracies Die Cover of How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt

Released in 2018, How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt made a serious impact in the then current Trump administration, as well as in the years since. Here’s why it’s become an important text in our current times and why you should check it out.

Book Description

As the title of How Democracies Die states, the title is an examination of how democracies have, and can be, undermined. Written mainly from the perspective of the United States, it takes a critical look at the then current Trump administration, and offers several warnings about what could happen if certain practices are left unchecked.

How democracies succeed: To show how a democracy can die, the authors also need to show how they succeed. They argue that the best democracies work when both sides hold differing viewpoints, but still work together for the best outcome for their country. This is a system that they call ‘mutual tolerance’. Under mutual tolerance, opposition parties must accept when their opposing parties win elections, and respect their opinions.

The dangers that democracies face: As democracies, such as the one established in the US, are currently set up, there are dangers facing them. The authors assert that various branches of government have the ability to severely undermine the concept of democracy, or destroy it entirely.

For example, they can tactics such as court packing, stonewalling, and abusing the power of the purse to force through agendas that in opposition to the idea of democracy. It’s also pointed out that political parties can often be separated by class, race, geography, and religion, which also creates strife and opposition.

The 2016 presidential election: Many chapters in the book are dedicated to the 2016 election of Donald Trump to the position of President of the US. The authors take a critical view of his time in power so far at time of writing, and point out the dangers that currently threaten democracy.

They assert that until the 2016 election, the US had worked under mutual toleration to uphold a true democracy. Using the data they have on the current administration, they propose three potential outcomes to the US and world at large after the 2020 elections and the removal of Trump from power.

Democracies in other nations: In order to back up the points made in their book, the authors examine other counties to see how democracies were harmed or overthrown in them. That includes looking at Latin America, Russia, and Venezuela. With this research, they use these countries as models of what the US could potentially face in the future.

Recommendations: Finally, the authors use all this research and data to make recommendations that will protect the US’s democracy. Their proposed solutions to the democratic crisis is an extension of true democratic norms throughout government, and diverse societies as a whole.

They also address the two main political parties in the US. For the Democrats, they recommend that they address the issue of inequality, aiming to create more comprehensive labor market policies. As for the Republicans, they recommend bringing more diversity into the party, and build policies that don’t rely on white nationalism to get elected.

When interviewed about the book, author Levitsky said there were two main aims of the title. Firstly, they said they wanted to defeat Trump. Secondly, it was written to point out that Trump’s presidency had lead to ‘competitive authoritarianism’.

About The Authors

Authors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt are both Harvard University political scientists. Levitsky is a Professor Government at the university, while Ziblatt is the Eaton Professor of the Science of Government.

As well as authoring How Democracies Die, Ziblatt also wrote Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracies in 2017, and Structuring the State: The Formation of Italy and Germany and the Puzzle of Federalism in 2006.

Levitsky is a prolific author, having written a large number of journal articles, as well as books such as Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism with Lucan Way in 2022. He is well known for his work with Way on competitive authoritarianism, which they argue undermines democracy.

Book Reviews

When How Democracies Die was released in 2018, it was quickly highly praised by critics at the time. In several reviews, it’s pointed out how the book pulls away from the emotive reporting that’s seen in the press. Instead, the authors pull back and use data, research and examination to understand what is happening in the US today, and how democracy can be protected.

The Washington Post, for example, describes the book as a “sober, dispassionate look at the current state of affairs”. The New York Times describes the book as “a lucid and essential guide to what can happen here.”

They also gained a lot of praise for being inclusive in their writing, in an attempt to really reach anyone who reads, no matter their political beliefs. For example, Michael Morrel stated that “It is a book for all Americans. It is nonpartisan. It is fact based.” USA Today also concludes that “How Democracies Die provides a guide for Americans of all political persuasions for what to avoid.”

Overall the book was very well received, and made its way onto The New York Times Bestseller List. It was also awarded the German NDR Kultur Sachbuchpries 2018. Notably, Barack Obama also listed the title as one of his favorite books of 2018.

Students required to do a book report about this book can use our book report service to ensure a comprehensive and well-crafted report.

Where To Buy

As with most books out there, How Democracies Die is available through Amazon. The site offers the book in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook formats. You can also pick up the title through many other respected booksellers, such as Barnes & Noble, as well as independent bookstores in your area.

How Democracies Die was one of the most important titles that was released in 2018. Levitsky and Ziblatt show readers the danger that US democracy is in, and use the research they’ve done to offer solutions to all people with a say in the system. As such, it’s become a must read in the years since its publication.

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