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Learning Disability Resources

Whether you are supporting children with learning disabilities in the classroom, or you have a child with a learning disability, you’ll want to find ways to support them. Often though, it can feel as though you’re on your own, and it can be challenging.

Luckily, there are lots of different organizations that can help. Here are some of the best resources online that you can use to get them the help they need to thrive.

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet:
    A guide to what autism spectrum disorder is, and how it affects those who are diagnosed with it.
  2. Learn The Signs. Act Early:
    This guide from the CDC covers all the major milestones that a child should meet throughout their early years, with advice on what to do if you’re concerned.
  3. Hearing Loss In Children:
    This CDC guide covers everything you need to know about hearing loss in children, including how to spot it, how to prevent and treat it where possible, and materials that you can use to help children.
  4. Behavioral Disorders:
    This site is a resource for those living or working with children with behavioral disorders, with breakdowns of different disorders and advice on how to help children with them.
  5. Partner Resource Network:
    This page covers disorders such as eating disorders, anxiety and behavioral disorders in children, offering definitions, possible causes, and what help is available for school aged children.
  6. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities:
    This site offers advice for those who parent or teach children with developmental disabilities, and has lots of practical advice for those wishing to help children in this area.
  7. Smart Kids With Learning Disabilities:
    This organization aims to equip parents with everything they need to help their children, such as identifying any issues, getting the help they need, and finding a community or other such parents and children.
  8. LDOnline:
    This page has a comprehensive amount of info about a range of learning disabilities, and offers resources to help parents and teachers aid children with such disabilities.
  9. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center:
    This site covers the news around aiding kindergarten aged children with learning disabilities, as well as any upcoming events and resources for those working with them.
  10. Helping Children With Cerebral Palsy:
    This site shares lots of free educational materials about cerebral palsy, to help those who parent or work with children with this condition and other birth injuries.
  11. Speech And Language Impairments:
    This page on the Center for Parent Information and Resources offers info about what a speech or language impairment is, as well as tips on how to get your child help and improve their quality of life.
  12. Traumatic Brain Injury:
    This page, also on the Center for Parent Information and Resources site, offers info about how traumatic brain injury affects children, and how they can be assisted in school and later life.
  13. National Braille Association:
    This organization offers education and Braille materials to those who are visually impaired. 
  14. Family Connect:
    This page is designed to bring families together who are experiencing visual impairment in one way or another, to provide assistance and support.
  15. ADDitude:
    Designed for parents of children with ADHD, it offers signs to look out for in your children and tips to help with everyday life.
  16. Dyslexia Help:
    This page has a lot of tools for parents of children with dyslexia, including how to spot the signs early, and tips on helping their children.
  17. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading:
    This society was created to promote scientific study into the process of reading, and offers studies and resources for children who have reading based learning disabilities.
  18. Guide To College For Students With Disabilities:
    This page offers a full toolkit for students with disabilities going to college, including resources and tips on how to get ahead.
  19. Eye to Eye:
    This organization links kids with learning disabilities with high school and college aged people with similar disabilities in their mentoring program.
  20. Yale Center For Dyslexia and Creativity:
    This page aims to assist students with dyslexia, their parents and their teachers with resources and ideas to help with their education.
  21. Wrightslaw:
    This page offers legal resources and advice for those with children with learning disabilities.
  22. Learning Ally: This page offers audiobooks to children with learning disabilities, in order to assist with their literacy and help them keep up with their peers.
  23. Psych 4 Schools:
    An introductory guide to learning disabilities in children, along with guides in how to spot disabilities and help children in the classroom.
  24. External Aid Apps:
    A guide to external aid apps that are available to those with learning disabilities, and how they can help those with every day tasks.
  25. Getting Hired:
    This guide for young people with learning disabilities helps them see how they can get hired and enter the workplace for the first time.
  26. Scholarships and Grants:
    Again aimed at older children, this guide shows you how to find scholarships and grants specifically aimed at those with disabilities.
  27. National Multiple Sclerosis Society:
    This organization offers advice to those living with MS, as well as help and support for the parents of children living with the condition.
  28. Accessibility and Digital Security:
    This guide helps those with learning disabilities protect themselves online, from threats such as phishing scams, social media fraud and more.
  29. Resources For Learning Disabilities:
    This page offers links to many different resources who are able to help with a range of learning disabilities, including ADHD, dyslexia, and more.
  30. Down’s Syndrome Association:
    Organization that aims to assist people with Down’s Syndrome from birth, including offering parents resources and assistance for daily life.

With these links, you’ll find plenty or resources to help any child with learning disabilities, from their early years all the way to college. With all this in mind, you can keep this list bookmarked so you can find it again, when you need it. Essay writing services can also be a valuable resource for students with learning disabilities and provide valuable assistance. By managing their workload effectively, these services enable students to focus on their strengths and receive the necessary guidance to excel.

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