
The Complex Intersection of National Security and Criminal Justice

Dissertation/Thesis proposal 6 pages Doctoral Harvard

Topic 1: Protecting National Classified Information in Administration of Justice

The Constitution provides a legal framework for dealing with any form of criminal acts and activities that affect the overall safety and well-being of the citizens of the United States as well as their property. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that proper steps are taken to create a link between the legal justice requirements and classified information to address the potential challenges. As such, the legal system and the security agencies need to handle the issue of terrorism in regard to the prevention and dealing with those charged with terror activities.

Objective of the Study:

The study aims to determine the degree to which classified information can be used to prosecute those suspected in engaging or facilitating terrorist activities.

Operational Definitions:

Classified information - sensitive information that can only be accessed by a limited number of individuals to maintain the secrecy and effectiveness of the information.

Classified intelligence - sensitive information collected through intelligence with the access limited to particular people with the required clearance level.

Problem Statement:

Administering justice is a crucial aspect of dealing with criminal activities. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that the use of classified information does not present challenges associated with the violation of human rights as required by the Constitution.

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Even though classified information offers an effective means of preventing and prosecuting terror suspects, it is imperative to do so within the legal requirements of the Constitution.

Research Philosophy:

Utilizing secondary reference materials and direct interviews from the relevant sources.

Research Approach:

The study will focus on developing strategies to evaluate the success of past terrorism cases using classified information in comparison with the constitutional provisions for human rights.

Research Strategy:

The study will focus on qualitative research method in order to provide answers to the research questions.

Time Horizon:

The study will employ cross-sectional research method that will focus on different variables within a particular time frame.

Data Collection Methods:

The research will use secondary references such as the print media and collection of primary data from questionnaires from the relevant audience.

Topic 2: Ethical Classified Intelligence Relating to Terrorism

Terrorism is a matter of national security, and therefore, it has to be treated with urgency as well as high degree of importance, because the safety of the nation is a first priority and must be guaranteed. Security agencies engage in various activities both within and outside the country which helps them to collect and analyze information relating to terror activities. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that classified intelligence activities outside the borders of the nation proceed in a manner that does not only provide a viable and reliable information relating to terrorism but at the same time respect the laws, regulations, and sovereignty of the countries where the security agents are operating.

Objective of the Research:

The study aims to evaluate classified intelligence in foreign nations to determine effective methods that can be employed by intelligence agencies to avoid violation of the local and foreign policies in their operation areas.

Operational Definitions:

Foreign policies - national regulations that stipulate the manner in which a nation engage and interact with other countries.

Problem Statement:

Collecting intelligence may require security agency to operate in foreign countries to get real time information relating to terror suspects and terror activities. It is, therefore, vital to warrant that these organizations do so in a manner that does not compromise the sovereignty of the foreign country.


It is important for security agencies to understand the foreign policies of the country as well as how the nation is related to the local regulations of the foreign countries.

Research Philosophy:

Utilizing secondary reference materials and direct interviews from the relevant sources.

Research Approach:

The study will focus on developing strategies to evaluate the success of past terrorism cases using classified information in comparison to the constitutional provisions for human rights.

Research Strategy:

The study will focus on qualitative research method in order to give answers to the research questions.

Time Horizon:

The research will employ cross-sectional research method that will focus on different variables within a particular time frame.

Data Collection Methods:

The research will use secondary references such as the print media and collection of primary data from questionnaires from the relevant audience.

Topic 3: Maintaining the Confidentiality of the Intelligence Information without Reducing the Right of Defense of the Suspected Terrorists

As the title suggests, classified intelligence refers to information with limited access which means that any individual can not access it without sufficient clearance level. However, persons suspected in terrorism are prosecuted based on such information used by the prosecution as a significant evidence to back up their claims. Evidence presented in court may contain classified information from classified intelligence what means that a person suspected of terror activities may be disadvantaged in relations their rights during the process of justice administration. It is crucial to ensure that the protection of the confidentially of the classified intelligence does not limit or reduce the rights of the individuals charged with terrorism in the court proceedings.

Objective of the Study:

The research focuses on determining the extent to which the confidentiality of the classified information affects the rights of the terror suspects during the process of justice administration.

Operational Definitions:

Clearance level - a status given to a person which grants them access to classified information.

Problem Statement:

Classified intelligence information can only be access by individuals with the required clearance level which means that it is difficult for the terror suspect defense team to obtain the information to build an effective defense for the suspect. In such situations the rights of the defendant can be considered as violated what affects the quality of justice and overall court proceedings.


The use of classified intelligence in the prosecution of terror suspects of terror activities should not present stumbling blocks to the administration of a fair trial according to the constitution.

Research Philosophy

Utilizing secondary reference materials and direct interviews from the relevant sources.

Research Approach

The study will focus on developing strategies to evaluate the success of past terrorism cases using classified information in comparison with the constitutional provisions for human rights.

Research Strategy:

The study will focus on qualitative research method in order to give answers to the research questions.

Time Horizon:

The research will employ cross-sectional research method that will focus on different variables within a particular time frame.

Data Collection Methods:

The research will use secondary references such as the print media and collection of primary data from questionnaires from the relevant audience.

Topic 4: The Extent to which Secret Evidence Affects the National Security as a Whole?

The classified intelligence is an exceptionally helpful resource in the governmental fight against the terrorism. The information obtained in the process plays a significant role in helping security agency prevent the occurrence of terror attacks rather than deal with the aftermath of such activities which are devastating. However, the use of secret evidence also presents a challenge in the sense that it undermines democracy which in turn affects national security. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the use of secret evidence in the process of justice administration does not undermine democracy and national security.

Objectives of the Study:

To determine the extent to which secret evidence undermines democracy and national security and supranational regulations.

Operational Definitions:

Supranational regulations - regulations that go beyond the powers and boundaries of a country.

Problem Statement:

Classified intelligence may provide the crucial information needed to prevent and deal with terror activities. It is also necessary to ensure that the process would not eventually result into more harmful consequences for the nation’s welfare.


The inappropriate use of secret evidence may present challenges associated with foreign policies with will also have negative implications on national security.

Research Philosophy:

Utilizing secondary reference materials and direct interviews from the relevant sources.

Research Approach:

The study will focus on developing strategies to evaluate the success of past terrorism cases using classified information in comparison with the constitutional provisions for human rights.

Research Strategy:

The study will focus on qualitative research method in order to give answers to the research questions.

Time Horizon:

The research will employ cross-sectional research method that will focus on different variables within a particular time frame.

Data Collection Methods:

The research will use secondary references such as the print media and collection of primary data from questionnaires from the relevant audience.

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