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The 5AM Club

Table of Contents

The 5AM Club Image credit: Front cover of The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma. Amazon.com

The 5AM Club is one of leadership expert Robin Sharma’s self help books, that aims to help readers make the most of their day and become the best version of themselves. Originally published in 2018, it continues to help thousands of readers every day.

Book Description

Like most of his other titles, Robin Sharma’s The 5AM Club looks to help readers get the most out of each and every day. As the name suggests, it’s based around the idea that rising early every day will allow you to get more out of the day and become more successful.

This idea is something that Sharma has taught to his clients for over 20 years, and they have found their own success with. With all this experience, it’s now brought to the reader in this book.

The book is laid out through the story of two strangers who meet a tycoon. As they both struggle in their own ways, the tycoon aims to secretly help them really meet their own potential. Thanks to the story style layout of the book, it’s easy to understand the ideas contained within and apply them to your own life.

What you’ll learn

There are several key points that you’ll learn within The 5AM Club that are designed to drive home the importance of that early morning routine. These include:

  • The formula that Sharma uses with his clients to help them get up early and ready for the day. With this formula, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready for the day.
  • The neuroscience theory behind the benefits of early rising. Readers will see why those who wake early while others sleep will get more done, and more out of the day in general.
  • Examples of the successful CEOs, leaders and inspirational people all rise early to start the day, and how it has benefited them in what they do.
  • A step by step method to use in the mornings, so you can squeeze as much out of it before others start to rise.
  • Tactics to help you avoid distractions during the crucial morning hours, so you can start to benefit from your work.

The lessons in this book are designed to help the reader in both their work and their personal lives. That way, they can use these teachings to really make their lives the best they can be.

About The Author

Robin Sharma is a leadership expert that initially started out as a litigation lawyer. At age 25, he wrote his first book, Megaliving!: 30 Days To A Perfect Life. The book was self published in 1994, with his mother editing the manuscript.

His next title, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari was also self published in 1997. After a chance meeting with the former head of HarperCollins, Ed Carson, he then went on to critical success.

Thanks to that meeting, he was able to quit his job as a lawyer, which he didn’t find fulfilling, and begin his new role as a leadership expert. He went on to write several new titles, including The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO, The Leader Who Had No Title, and The 5AM Club. His latest book, The Everyday Hero Manifesto, was published in 2021.

All of these works focus on self help and spirituality, helping readers make the best life for themselves through the ideas he offers.

Leadership work

As well as working on his self books, Sharma also is a leadership expert. He brings his expertise to top names around the world. That includes people like Jon Bon Jovi, Desmond Tutu, and even a member of the British Royal Family.

It’s not just the top 1% that can access his work, though. Sharma also offers video training on his website, where you can learn the principles he devised to be more successful in your endeavours. These videos are free, making them highly accessible.


Thanks to his success, Sharma has been able to set up the Robin Sharma Foundation For Children. This foundation was created with the ideals of helping children around the world get a better start in life. After all, they are the future leaders of tomorrow, so they need to be able to put their best foot forward.

With this in mind, the foundation fundraises for a number of children’s charities around the world. This work ensures that children everywhere can benefit, and grow up to be the best they can be.

Book Reviews

What do real readers think of The 5AM Club? Take a look at trusted sites like Amazon and GoodReads, and you’ll find a lot of people have got a lot of value out of the title. With scores of 5 star reviews, you can see that they’ve been able to take a lot of the lessons here to heart.

Many say that they were surprised by the novel style format of the book, but once they started reading they found that it made it much more easy to read, and the lessons were more easily absorbed. One reviewer states that they prefer biographies to self help books, as the latter “all sound the same”. As such, they got on much better with this title.

There are critics out there that feel that the message of the book has been stretched out too far to fill an entire book, when the central message is really fairly simple. However, as other reviewers point out, the journey in reading the book is what makes it. As one reviewer on GoodReads says, “the journey taken to gain this understanding is what impacted me so strongly.” For those looking to delve deeper into its themes, essay writing services can provide invaluable assistance in articulating and expanding on the concepts presented.

Where To Buy

As you can imagine, you can pick up The 5AM Club at Amazon, where it’s available in hardback, eBook and audio book editions. It’s also available through several other trusted book sellers, such as Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and more, as well as your local library.



The 5AM Club is a book that aims to help the reader be the best they can be. If you want to pick up that knowledge, it’s a title that you need to read.

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