
The Biden Plan For Protecting The Nation's Values As Immigrants
The Biden Plan For Protecting The Nation's Values As Immigrants
As a nation, the US has displayed real hostility towards immigrants. In recent years under the Trump administration, this has been worse than ever before. That's why the Biden administration is looking to improve things for immigrants into the country after their election. Here's what their plan is to improve our immigration system.
How To Write An Informative Essay
How To Write An Informative Essay
Have you been asked to write an informative essay? If that’s a task you haven’t taken on before, it can feel daunting. Here’s how you can write an informative essay that’s well-structured and answers the assignment brief.
How To Make An Essay Longer
How To Make An Essay Longer
There’s nothing worse than staring down an essay with a large word count. It feels like you’ll never be able to reach it, and get the passing grade you need. The good news is, there are several ways in which you can ensure you hit your word count without waffling or adding unnecessary details.
How To Write An Effective Essay
How To Write An Effective Essay
If you want to get the best grades on your essay, it needs to be effective in what you’re trying to get across. Are you not sure how to be effective in your essay writing? Here’s what you need to know.
The Biden Plan For A Clean Energy Revolution And Environmental Justice
The Biden Plan For A Clean Energy Revolution And Environmental Justice
As the presidential election campaign ramps up, the Biden-Harris administration have laid out their plans to help tackle climate change and its effect on America. Here’s what they have outlined, and how they intend to put these plans into action.
How to Write a Hook for an Essay
How to Write a Hook for an Essay
It feels like there’s so much to know when you’re writing an essay, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s especially true when you’re looking at starting your essay. If you want to bring readers in, you’ll need to write a great essay hook. What is that, and how can you write the best hook possible?
How To End An Essay
How To End An Essay
Writing a good essay takes a few different steps, and one that many students fall down on in the conclusion. How do you end an essay in a strong manner? Here’s what you need to know.
How To Start An Essay
How To Start An Essay
One of the main ways your knowledge will be tested at college or university is with essays. They’re a good way of seeing whether you’ve taken in information, and whether you can analyse it on your own. If you’re not used to writing essays, constructing them can seem daunting. How do you start writing an essay?
State Of Remote Work
State Of Remote Work
Since 2020 and the onset of the COVID pandemic, the way we work has been changed forever. As many workplaces had to adapt to different work styles, there have been some interesting findings from the experience. Here’s how remote work affects your company, and what opportunities can it offer you?
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
Now more than ever, human rights are something everyone should be aware of and abide by. The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) as we know it were drafted in 1948, and became a milestone document when it comes to the rights of everyone in the world.