Research insights

Thyroid Health: Key Facts and Research
Research insights

Thyroid Health: Key Facts and Research

The thyroid is a small, hormone-producing gland in the lower neck that plays a critical role in regulating the body’s metabolism – the rate at which energy is produced from nutrients and oxygen. It also influences vital functions, including energy levels and heart rate. The thyroid impacts every cell, tissue, and organ despite its size.

The Biden Plan For A Clean Energy Revolution And Environmental Justice
Research insights

The Biden Plan For A Clean Energy Revolution And Environmental Justice

As the presidential election campaign ramps up, the Biden-Harris administration have laid out their plans to help tackle climate change and its effect on America. Here’s what they have outlined, and how they intend to put these plans into action.

What Is a Concussion?
Research insights

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs when there is a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or even a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to flick back and forth. This rapid movement can cause the brain to shake, bounce, or twist inside the skull, leading to chemical changes in the brain and potential damage to brain cells.

American Leadership
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American Leadership

Joe Biden shared his vision for America's foreign policy, focusing on restoring dignity in leadership at home and earning respect globally. He stressed the interconnectedness of domestic and international policies, pledging to enhance the security, prosperity, and values of the United States. As president, Biden plans to take swift action to strengthen democracy, rebuild alliances, secure the nation’s economic future, and restore America’s leadership in addressing the world’s most critical challenges.

State Of Remote Work
Research insights

State Of Remote Work

Since 2020 and the onset of the COVID pandemic, the way we work has been changed forever. As many workplaces had to adapt to different work styles, there have been some interesting findings from the experience. Here’s how remote work affects your company, and what opportunities can it offer you?

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
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Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Now more than ever, human rights are something everyone should be aware of and abide by. The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) as we know it were drafted in 1948, and became a milestone document when it comes to the rights of everyone in the world.

The King Philosophy
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The King Philosophy

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for the vital part he played in the American Civil Rights movement. As a Baptist minister, he aimed to make a change in society through non violent means.

Facts About Falls: What You Need to Know
Research insights

Facts About Falls: What You Need to Know

For people aged 65 or over, falls are a serious risk. Taking a fall can lead to ongoing injuries and health complications, but many do not even seek medical help after a fall. Here are the facts you need to know about falls to lessen your risks. 

Black History
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Black History

February is celebrated as Black History Month, when we honor the African American people who have made their mark on American culture, and the world as a whole.

Racism and Health
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Racism and Health

The effects of racism are far reaching in today’s society. When values are assigned to a person based on the color of their skin, that will affect a person’s opportunities, education, living situation, and more.